A Gift for Angels has identified nonprofit organizations serving the needs of children and child_diseasetheir families as our initial primary charity to assist.  Fully 82% of adults surveyed who are actively supporting a charity say they support a children's charity. 

Our unique programs offer parents and organizations serving children affected by life threatening illness and disease a new fundraising vehicle that fills the gap left when initial fundraising promotions, i.e. auctions, carnivals, "dialing for dollars", one day events, and other traditional fundraising activities have ended.  Our program offers individual families and charities a long-term fundraising solution that can instantly reach across the street or across the world.

According to Nielsen, 72.5 % of the US population - approximately 220,141,969 US Internet users - were online in June of 2008.  The number of charities reporting success with online fundraising was 34.4 percent, more than doubling the 16 percent response found in 2000.  Similarly, success with email solicitation grew from 15 percent in 2000 to 27.8 percent in 2007.  While obviously growing, online fundraising contributions account for only 5 percent of charity income.1,2

Organizations like The Association of Fundraising Professionals agree that online charitable fundraising is being limited only by the ability of charitable organizations to underwrite the development and administration of an online fundraising program.  Our mission is to assist these organizations and the children they serve.

1 National Center For Charitable Statistics, 2 The Association of Fundraising Professionals